Sunday, August 29, 2010

Quick Note

Today ended on a good note.  Christian, as you have read, made positive improvements in the motor movement of his lower extremities today.  We are aware that improvements will be slow, but I have to tell you about the great relief I have when I see them.  He was resting peacefully when I left and he is in good hands with nurse Katie.

I wanted to take a moment to thank our friends that have taken time out of their days and lives to stop by, pray, call or write.  You make such a difference in our lives all of the time, but especially now.  Staff of the hospital, and even strangers that have made connections with us, thank you.  The outpouring of love takes my breath away.  I personally want to thank our families.  We are so blessed to have both sides of our families so close and so loving.  I don't think we've had a single minute where someone hasn't been with Chris.  What is amazing about these people (my families) is that they are volunteering to spend 3-5 hours with him during the night after they have already spent the entire day in the hospital.  That lets me go home and try to sleep, but I have a hard time leaving him.  He gets great comfort by seeing and hearing their stories or just knowing that they are with him during the night.  But I think it is a comfort for them as well.  Actually being able to do something for someone during times like these is hard, Chris is very grateful for the company and I hope they know it.  He is so very loved. So thank you family and friends for being so loving, patient, concerned and caring with my Babe.  He is so very, very special to me and he and I could not do this alone.  

Please know that your prayers are being heard and answered every minute of each day.  Thank you.  I believe about every denomination in the world is praying for him, so I think that may make him extra special.  :)  

We can feel all of your thoughts, prayers and love...Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  And Happy Anniversary to my Babe.  Our first year couldn't have been more wonderful.  You are my best friend, fishing guide and partner, bike support team and encourager, and the keeper of my world.  Can't wait for next year and our journey to come.   I love you Babe and I am so proud to be your wife and partner.  You are the strongest, most determined, loving, caring person I know and that's why I picked you.  Here's to a good coming year!  I love you so much.  We will overcome this trial and move on to the next adventure soon. Hang in there. XOXOXO  P.S. I am picking the anniversary trip. :)

"Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up.  It is not rude, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful. It is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends. 1 Corinthians 13  (A reading that we had at our wedding, one year ago and the best day of our lives thus far) .  Good night.


  1. So great to hear that Christian is moving forward although I know that these are tough times for him and all of you. All of you are in my prayers and if I can do anything for you as a fellow C1,C2 fused patient (mountain biking in Moab), Mike knows how to reach me. God bless you Christian and Jessi!

  2. Happy Anniversary, Jessi! That was beautiful. He is lucky to have such a strong and dedicated wife!

  3. Without repeating every word Heidi said I will just say Ditto. I loved you a year ago when my cousin made the wise choice to add you to our family. I love you even more today after seeing what a strong, amazing beautiful women you are. He is very lucky to have you as his wife. I am also impressed with the amount of support you have recieved. You know Christian is loved when you go to visit him and there are so many people waiting for a turn that you leave not seeing him. Stay strong Jessi, we are standing beside you and will be here for you two for whatever you may need. Happy Anniversary to you two. What a beautiful post. Love ya!

  4. Just wanted to tell you that my prayers are with you and your family. I have known Christian for as long as I can remember, but have not been in good contact the last several years. He is a remarkable man and I know he will recover! All our love and prayers for you and your family at this time. Thanks for keeping us posted on his progress.
    Trish Postma Lay

  5. I have only met Christian once. He works with my wife & when he came into my work to clean his SUV we talked for almost an hour. We talked about our similar interests; fishing, hiking etc.. When Amy told me about his accident our prayers were and continue to be with all of you. Were happy to hear of his progress and know his inner and physical strength will help him through this. Your blog has great. Keep up the good work and God bless.

  6. I just learned of Christian's accident, and my thoughts, prayers and hopes are with you.

    Modern medicine can be amazing when it comes to these kinds of injuries. My brother broke his neck 9 years ago and was completely paralyzed from the neck down. 6-8 weeks later he was back at work as a finish carpenter. He works, hunts, water skis, golfs -- everything he did before the injury.

    His dexterity wasn't 100% of his pre-injury status, but it continues to improve and his life is both full and physical.

    I was with my brother the first time he stood, and it was much as you describe Christian's current condition. Obviously you have much work ahead of you, but I for one am hopeful for his physical progress and positive that Christian will enjoy life 100% whatever percent of recovery he achieves.

    All our best, Christian and Jessi.

    Lex & Kari Watterson

  7. Jessi~ This hits so close to home for me! As I said in an e-mail to you, my dear hubby was in a serious car accident 1 month before our wedding and many of the events your dear Chris is going through parallel our experience (minus the vent and feeding tube). He was in a halo for our wedding and the first 3.5 months of our marriage. My heart goes out to you, Chris, and all family. Remain hopeful, faithful and doing what you are doing. I'll keep you in my prayers! I know that if he chose you, he has to be one determined person to keep up with you! He WILL fight to recover and keep up with you! Only the best~ T Kendrick

  8. You two are such a darling couple and I have had in my heart from the moment I heard of the accident that Christian will recover to near 100% I know that the lord can perform miracles and I know christian and Jessi are worthy of those miracles. We pray for him as a family and our personal prayers and will not let a day go by that we don't have a prayer in our heart for him and his family. Stay strong Christian!

    Love Jodi and Skyler Witman
