Tuesday, September 21, 2010


As of this morning here are the stats.

Total Visits - 16,722
Unique Visits - 4,758
Pageviews - 31,343
Average pageviews - 1.87
Average time on site - 2:29

Web Browsers Used:
Internet Explorer - 48.91%
Safari - 27.93%
Firefox - 14.21%
Chrome - 5.15%
Mozilla Compitble Agent - 2.42%

Connection Types:
DSL - 32.83%
Cable - 30.07%
Unknown - 26.81%
T1 - 8.70%
Dial-up (who knew anyone still used dial-up?) - .86%

1 comment:

  1. I love this walk! You made my day Christian. and I'm walking on the wild side for you today! Well, not that wild, but with the dogs who tend to walk ME.
